As we get older, our teeth begin to show natural signs of wear and tear. These cracks, gaps, chips, discoloration, and misalignments can make us feel self-conscious about our smiles and maybe we don’t smile as freely as we should. You may look at your smile in the mirror and be overwhelmed by all the different issues. Maybe you’re dreading the amount of dental work you would need to have to have the smile you want. Porcelain dental veneers could be the procedure to help you put a fresh face on your smile with just one procedure instead of multiple.
Refresh Your Existing Smile With Dental Veneers
With porcelain dental veneers, Chapel Hill, NC dentist Dr. James P. Furgurson of Chapel Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can improve the aesthetics of your smile by correcting the color, shape, and spacing of your teeth. Dental veneers can close spaces between your teeth, lengthen small or misshapen teeth or whiten stained teeth. If your teeth are chipped or are showing signs of wear, dental veneers can protect them from additional damage while also refreshing their appearance in a way that looks and feels natural.
Eating foods with heavy dyes or that are acidic like coffee, most fruit, and sugar can damage enamel, resulting in tooth sensitivity or discoloration. Digestion begins in the mouth, and everything we eat affects our tooth enamel, some more than others. For issues of discoloration, some patients may consider having their teeth professionally whitened, but dental veneers may be a good idea for you if you have multiple cosmetic concerns that need to be addressed.
For minor gaps between teeth, or a few misaligned teeth, dental veneers could be a quicker and more affordable option than traditional orthodontic treatment or invisible braces. Porcelain veneers are customized for each patient’s mouth and placed over your existing teeth, so Dr. Furgurson can tailor yours to cover any minor misalignment, gaps, or cracks.
Are Dental Veneers Right For Me?
The veneers are installed by Dr. Furgurson after he removes the outermost layer of enamel in order to make room for the veneers in your mouth. Then they are simply fastened to the teeth. This is unlike a dental crown, where the teeth are removed or altered. With dental veneers the teeth in your smile will still be your own, simply covered with a protective layer. The result is an enhanced version of your smile!
There are some situations where porcelain veneers may not be the best option at this time. For example, individuals who suffer from bruxism (habitual grinding of teeth) may want to consult with Dr. Furgurson about addressing this issue before veneers are installed. Patients with very sensitive teeth may not want to have the procedure until this issue is addressed. Fortunately, once these issues have been treated, most patients are able to benefit from veneers or are able to consider other cosmetic options provided by Dr. Furgurson.
Dental Veneers In Chapel Hill, NC
To learn more about whether porcelain veneers are right for you, schedule an appointment online with Dr. Furgurson and our dental care team at Chapel Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. Call 919.205.9308 or schedule a complimentary consultation online today.